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Payment allows you to initiate a deposit (PayIn) of funds from a user.



Regular / Simple Payment

Simple Payment is the basic payment transaction mechanism, designed for a straightforward PayIn operation without the two-step verification or billing agreement.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
merchantTransactionId String A Unique ID to identify the transaction.
merchantUserId String A unique ID to identify the user.
redirectUrl String The URL we redirect the customer to after the payment is completed.
comment String A text comment that accompanies the deposit (visible to the user and merchant).
amount Integer A positive integer in cents representing how much the user wishes to deposit.

e.g. 100 EUR would be 10000 / 50 USD would be 5000

currency String The ISO 3 letter currency code in lowercase, see the supported currency list for details.
brand String An optional string that can be used to send identifying information for the merchant to allow grouping of transactions.
useBrand Boolean An optional boolean that when set to true will show the user the contents of the brand string in place of the merchant name registered with Luxon.

Request format

"merchantTransactionId": "string",
"merchantUserId": "string",
"redirectUrl": "string",
"comment": "string",
"amount": number,
"currency": "string",
"brand": "string"
"useBrand": boolean

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
transactionId String A unique Luxon transaction identifier that can be used as a reference in other API calls.
transactionUrl String The URL a user should be redirected to so they can authorize the payment.
status String A status object with the results of the call.


Response Format

"transactionId": "string",
"transactionUrl": "string",
"status": {
"code": "string", "message": "string"

Response Format

"transactionId": "string",
"transactionUrl": "string",
"status": {
	"code": "string", "message": "string"

RequestBody example

amount: 50000,
redirectUrl: https,
useBrand: true,
merchantTransactionId: 248512321,
billingAgreementId: null,
comment: null,
currency: USD,
merchantUserId: 811226,
recipientWallet: null,
createBillingAgreement: false,
brand: a***r

Response example

"status": {
	"code": "PENDING",
	"message": "Transaction has been successfully initiated",
	"detail": null
"transactionId": "0be53a99-***-47fe-***-fa95a917706e",
"transactionUrl": "****-47fe-***3-f**5a91770*e"