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Download information on all transactions between two dates. Formatted as a .JSON or .CSV



Request Parameters

Name Type Description
format String Sets the format the file is delivered in and can be either csv or json.
start_date String The date and time for the start of the report formatted in ISO8601.
end_date String The date and time for the end of the report formatted in ISO8601.
status String Optional list of transaction statuses delimited by comma to filter by (“PENDING” “PROCESSING” “REJECTED” “PROCESSED” “FAILED” “CANCELED” “EXPIRED”).


Response Parameters

Name Type Description
merchantTransactionId String The transaction ID sent by the merchant when this transaction was created.
merchantUserId String The user ID sent by the merchant when this transaction was created.
userWallet String A unique ID that represents the user’s wallet.
date String The date and time the transaction was created in ISO8601 format.
comment String The comment field attached to the transaction.
amount Integer A positive integer in cents representing the value of the transaction.

e.g. 100 EUR would be 10000 / 50 USD would be 5000

type String The Type of transaction (“MERCHANT_PAYOUT” “MERCHANT_PAYIN” “MERCHANT_REFUND”).
fee Integer The fee chargeable to the merchant for this transaction in EUR cents.
status String A status object with the status of the transaction.


Response Format

A CSV or JSON containing the filtered transactions with the following data

"transactions": [
		"date": "string", // transaction date in ISO 8601 format
		"transactionId": "string", // transaction ID
		"merchantTransactionId": "string", // transaction ID
		"merchantUserId": "string", // unique id of the user in the merchant system
		"userWallet": "string", // user's wallet ID
		"comment": "string",
		"amount": number, // amount in EUR that is transferred between wallets
		"fee": number // amount in EUR that is charged for the transfer,
		"status": "string" // transaction status
"status": {
	"code": "string", "message": "string"


If both start_date and end_date are missing the report is generated for all transactions.