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First Step

Welcome to your journey with Luxon Pay. After reviewing this documentation, your next step is to coordinate the setup with your Luxon Pay technical representative.

We commence with the initial setup within the Luxon testing environment (INT). Once you’ve implemented and rigorously tested the integration, you’ll move to the production environment.

This is the essential information required to configure within the Luxon environment:

  1. Company name: This is your business name, which could span multiple sites or merchants.
  2. Merchant name: This refers to your specific merchant setup under the company. Each Merchant name will be paired with a Luxon Merchant ID (MID) to ease support and communication.
  3. Company’s registered operation address: Your official operational address.
  4. Name of the company’s contact person: Typically, this is you, the main administrator, who will spearhead the company structure within the Luxon back office (known as the MBA: Merchant Business Admin).
  5. The email address for the company’s contact person: The email address of the main company admin on the MBA as described above.
    1. Once the Luxon Pay set up has been performed for you, the main company administrator will receive an invite to the Luxon back office (MBA) via email.
    2. Your company’s main admin, will be able to add and invite new users from your organization to the MBA.
    3. Note that your MBA access will be relevant to all the different “MIDs” (Merchant IDs) that will be set up under your company.
  6. Callback URL for webhooks
    • Final statuses of Luxon Pay transactions reach you through notifications sent via webhooks. Rest assured, any webhook callback failures won’t affect Luxon’s side of the transaction. You can find detailed data sent within the webhook here.
    • Beyond the callback URL, we’ll arrange three more URL fields specific to your needs, depending on the payment endpoint type used:
      1. Redirect URL: For guiding users post-payment completion.
      2. Confirmation Callback URL: Necessary for 2-step transactions, allowing us to send confirmation webhooks.
      3. Billing Agreement Callback URL: Used in one-click transactions to convey agreement details to you.

Note: Typically, the same URL (the callback URL) is sufficient for all fields unless you require unique URLs for each.

Second Step

Once you provide the necessary details, we’ll configure your setup and furnish you with secret HMAC key values for authentication.

As previously mentioned, the initial setup will be performed in the INT (testing) environment. After you successfully complete testing, the same process will be repeated in the PROD (live) environment.

For testing, you’ll need to create a Luxon Pay wallet in the INT environment, which you can do here.

To carry out transactions in the INT environment, use the following link:, ensuring your requests comply with proper authentication and signature protocols detailed here.

For the PROD (live) environment, please utilize the following resources:

Luxon wallet:
API URL path:

If there are any IP restrictions on the merchant’s end, you must whitelist Luxon’s IPs to receive Luxon’s webhooks and responses in both the testing and production environments. The IPs to whitelist are as follows:



As you begin the integration, our API enables you to initiate both PayIns and PayOuts with Luxon Pay. 

Luxon Pay offers the following PayIn options:

  • Regular (Simple) One-Step Payment: This option allows a user to deposit funds into their account on your site or app in a single step. It will provide a unique walletID, which can be used to identify the user when they later request a PayOut (PayOuts can also be initiated using the user’s email address alone).
  • Two-Step Payment: In this method, we provide the user’s details, allowing you to validate them before completing the transaction. This two-step approach empowers you to either approve or decline the request based on the provided details.
  • OneClick Payment: This option enables users to establish a billing agreement with Luxon during their initial deposit or PayIn. Subsequently, they can execute OneClick PayIns without being redirected to the Luxon merchant window, streamlining the process for a seamless experience.

Please inform us about your preferred payment endpoint to ensure proper configuration, to improve our ability to troubleshoot and support any incident that may be raised.

Third step

As a part of the integration, you will also be granted access to the Luxon merchant back office (MBA – Merchant Business Admin) which you can use to see transactions, initiate PayOuts, see and convert currencies, and more.

Steps Four and Five

Implementation of your integration with the Luxon merchant API to enable the various transactions provided by Luxon on your platform.

Please follow the information on this site to do so. Feel free to request the Luxon team’s assistance at any stage.

To ensure responsiveness, a direct communication media such as Slack is highly recommended. This will be set up in the first steps after kicking off our integration.

Steps Six to Nine

Follow the integration process detailed in the timeline documentation above to proceed to the production stage and prepare for going live. Our team will accompany you and facilitate your path to production.