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How do I sign up for a Luxon Pay account?

How do I sign up for a Luxon Pay account?

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How do I deposit money into my Luxon Pay account?

How do I deposit money into my Luxon Pay account?

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How do I exchange currencies?

How do I exchange currencies?

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What documents will I need to verify my Luxon Pay account?

What documents will I need to verify my Luxon Pay account?

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How can I link my Luxon Pay account with my merchant account?

How can I link my Luxon Pay account with my merchant account?

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How do I withdraw money from a merchant?

How do I withdraw money from a merchant?

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How do I send money to one of my contacts?

How do I send money to one of my contacts?

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How do I request money from a contact?

How do I request money from a contact?

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How do I make a withdrawal?

How do I make a withdrawal?

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If you want to make a complaint, please email Once we have received your complaint we will acknowledge this via email. We will then investigate all the details of your complaint, and issue our response within a couple of days, but this can take up to 15 business days. If you are not satisfied with our resolution, you can refer your complaint to the relevant Financial Service or Regulatory Authority in your jurisdiction.

If you would like a copy of our complaints policy, please contact